Digital Advertising Tutorials – How To Use Google Ads 2022 | Google Ads

by | Dec 9, 2022 | 0 comments

Digital Advertising Tutorials – How To Use Google Ads 2022 | Google Ads

by | Dec 9, 2022 | Digital Advertising | 0 comments

Digital Advertising Tutorials

Some of the best digital advertising tutorials online.

So let’s put our daily budget to $10 this will tell Google that they’re not allowed to spend more than $300 per month on this campaign 30 days in a month times $10 average daily budget Google will then try to figure out the best times to show or add so sometimes it might spend more than $10 in 1 day and sometimes it will be less than $10 but with the average daily budget at $10 we will make sure to not spend more than $300 in 1 month of course later on we can always come back to this campaign and change all the settings now let’s look at bidding those settings will define how much you’re willing to pay for one click on your ad and also your bidding strategy if you want to know exactly how the Google ad splitting system works a highly recommend to watch my detailed Google ads tutorial where I go a lot more in depth and leave linked to that video down below in the video description To start out this campaign we’re gonna leave the focus on clicks instead of maximum costs per click paid limit to $1 I also recommend to set up conversion tracking using Google Analytics so later you can change your bidding strategy to maximize your conversions I leave the tutorial individual description doesn’t show you exactly how to set up conversion tracking using Google Analytics then let’s move on to add extensions add extensions are very useful because they make your ad larger in size so it takes up more space in the google search results this usually results in a higher click to rate which also increases the quality score of your ad having a high quality score lowers the price that you have to pay for each click so we definitely want to use add extensions for this campaign we’re going to add 4 cycling extensions that lead to different pages on our online store we’re also gonna add some call of extensions google will not always show all of your extensions but you still should add them because if they are shown it will increase or click the rate because it takes up more risk. The state on Google so let’s now click on safe and continue and move on to the next step now we are at the egg group level where we can define the search terms also called keywords that we want to add to show up for I to recommend to dedicate one egg group to 1³rt group so that we can make our ads as relevant as possible for our keywords this strategy will make sure that we get the highest quality score possible so we get the best place on Google and pay as little as possible for our clicks so for example in the 1st agree we’re going to target the keyword standing desk so that’s what we’re going to call our ad group and then we’re gonna define our keyboard match types the keyboard match types define what combination of our keyboard group standing desk will trigger our ad


Credit to original author (click on youtube video for more info).