Digital Advertising Tutorials – Google Ads Search Campaign – Why Google Ads Search Campaign Is Not Running Or Getting Low Traffic?

by | Oct 2, 2022 | 0 comments

Digital Advertising Tutorials – Google Ads Search Campaign – Why Google Ads Search Campaign Is Not Running Or Getting Low Traffic?

by | Oct 2, 2022 | Digital Advertising | 0 comments

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In this video, I’m going to show you how to fix a Google Ads search campaign that isn’t running or has low traffic. See how to get more clicks, impressions and ultimately, more sales!

I had a search campaign running with generic broad match keywords. Okay. After three months of optimization and identifying the winner keywords. Okay. I made Why Google Ads Search Campaign Is Not Running Or Getting Low Traffic?several theme-based ad groups and added the top performer keywords as an exact match in their respective ad groups. Good. But somehow I’m not getting impressions at all on the same keywords which were top performers in the original campaign. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a better way to run the campaign? All right, your advice would be appreciated. Yeah, it’s a very simple problem you got.

I think you’re not bidding enough because broad keywords will be the cheapest clicks. Exact keywords would be the most expensive click. So all you do is just keep on bidding up. Whether you’re running on manual campaigns or target ROAS or target CPA, you got to be aggressive and then keep running it and then put those exact keywords as negatives in this new ad group. Let me rephrase this. I sent it the other way around.

So we need to sculpt the traffic. So if somebody is searching for exact keywords, we want it to be triggered from the exact campaign and not from the broad one, the first one. So what you do is take the exact match keywords and put them as negatives in the broad campaign. That way if it’s exact, it will bypass that campaign and go straight into exact and that will trigger and not the broad match. This used to work really well and we used to do this all the time when we are going to block keywords at the campaign level, ad group level. But now with the algorithm and the machine learning getting better and better, just keep them in one ad group.

If you want to have broad as well as the exact keywords in there and see what happens. The other thing which you don’t want to do is if this campaign is performing really well and it’s profitable, don’t touch it, just keep scaling it. Because this is what most people do they will try to keep making changes and keep trying to fix things and they break the campaign. Yes, you do look after it. Keep an eye on the search terms and what your ads are being triggered from. But if it’s working well, you don’t need to overcomplicate things. That’s what I’m trying to say.

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Credit to original author (click on youtube video for more info).