WordPress For Beginners – Responsive SRCSET Images in Oxygen (Register & Use Custom Image Sizes!)

by | May 13, 2021 | 0 comments

WordPress For Beginners – Responsive SRCSET Images in Oxygen (Register & Use Custom Image Sizes!)

by | May 13, 2021 | Wordpress Tutorials for Beginners | 0 comments

WordPress For Beginners Tutorials and information. We source some of the best tutorials online to help you manage your wordpress website.

Ready to learn how to register custom image sizes in WordPress and use SRCSET functionality in Oxygen for fully responsive images?

In this tutorial you’ll learn:

• The difference between “responsive images” (width scales effectively without causing overflow issues) and “responsive SRCSET images” (loading multiple image sizes so the browser can choose the best size.

• The old non-SRCSET way to add images to Oxygen and why it’s less desirable.

• How to register custom image sizes in WordPress for use in Oxygen.

• How many custom image sizes you should be registering and exactly what those sizes are.

• How to insert SRCSET responsive images easily using the Oxygen builder.

• How to regenerate existing images so all their sizes are available in the Oxygen builder.

If you’re interested in the OxyNinja utility classes I used to quickly create responsive grids in this tutorial, you can get it here (it’s one of the absolute best investments you’ll make to your Oxygen workflow): https://go.digitalambition.co/oxyninja/

Grab the code for registering custom image sizes here: https://digitalambition.co/watch/responsive-srcset-images-in-oxygen-register-use-custom-sizes/
