Yith Woocommerce Points and Rewards Plugin Setup for Online stores | Free | 2021

by | Nov 23, 2021 | 0 comments

Yith Woocommerce Points and Rewards Plugin Setup for Online stores | Free | 2021

by | Nov 23, 2021 | Free Wordpress Plugins | 0 comments

Step by step tutorial for integrating Yith WooCommerce points and rewards with your WooCommerce store. What you get by putting into your WooCommerce site a point and reward program: loyalizing your customers, encouraging them to buy always from your shop, and being rewarded for their loyalty. Points management plugin that engages customers by offering them points on store activities like signup, purchase, referrals, etc. Customers can redeem these points to buy products at your store or participate in your membership program. With the reward program at your WooCommerce Store, you can improve sales, Return On Investment(ROI), conversion rate, Customer Lifetime Value(CLV), and referral marketing scope.

Plugin Used- Yith woocommerce Points and rewards- No Shortcode, free to use

00:00 Introduction
01:16 Install Yith Points and rewards plugin
02:02 Various Yith Plugin
02:23 Customer points Setting
03:06 Setting and Resetting points
03:38 Assigning point rewards and discounts
04:39 Misc Settings
05:38 How does point reward discount works

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