WordPress For Beginners – How To Make A Website In 10 Minutes [2021 Guide] | Step-by-Step Tutorial

by | Feb 22, 2021 | 0 comments

WordPress For Beginners – How To Make A Website In 10 Minutes [2021 Guide] | Step-by-Step Tutorial

by | Feb 22, 2021 | Wordpress Tutorials for Beginners | 0 comments

WordPress For Beginners Tutorials and information. We source some of the best tutorials online to help you manage your wordpress website.

In this video, I’ll show you how you can create your own website in 10 minutes.

You will learn how to create a lightning-fast, performance optimized WordPress website that will load fast for visitors all around the world.

Your server will be FREE for 3 days so you can try it out and see how you like it. You can use your website to get traffic from Google and other search engines such as Bing, DuckDuckGo and Yahoo for free, and then use that traffic to convert and earn you money passively!

Namecheap (recommended): https://www.cashmath.com/visit/Namecheap

Cloudways (recommended): https://www.cashmath.com/visit/Cloudways

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0:00​ Overview & Result
0:45​ Register Your Domain Name
2:20​ Setup Cloudflare
3:26​ Create & Configure Your Cloudways Server
5:37 Configure Cloudflare DNS & Other Settings
6:49 Configure Your WordPress Application at Cloudflare
8:20 Configure Your WordPress Application
9:00 Outro & Next Up

What did you think of the video? It’s the first one so I appreciate any feedback.
