Investing in People: Jennica Maxfield

by | Jun 6, 2017 | 0 comments

Investing in People: Jennica Maxfield

by | Jun 6, 2017 | Dieno Digital | 0 comments

“Invest” is defined as; expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result by putting it into financial schemes, shares, or property, or by using it to develop a commercial venture.

Investing in stocks and real estate isn’t an option for everyone. So I’ve decided spend time investing in people. When I see an opportunity to partner with an amazing person who is doing amazing work I jump on the chance. I offer my resources and skillset and we work out a deal….. It’s a brilliant way to spend some of my very little free time. The risk is there to keep it exciting, and the positive results always outshine the negative ones so it keeps me motivated to start on the next project.


When I saw long time family friend Jennica Maxfield post on Facebook that she released an ebook to discuss her weightloss journey and how she did it I was amazed at not only her journey, but also the response she was getting from friends and family.

She needed a platform to run all of her online marketing through, and she needed to get this book to print and available online.

Luckily I have experience in both so I made my pitch and we got to work.

The book has been released and her website is up and running. Much more to come!


Jennica Maxfield